Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Science Fair Grade Sheet

Name  ________________________________________________________________________________________

Name(s) on Board:                                               / 5 points
Title / Question:                                                   / 5 points

Hypothesis:                                                           / 10 points
(Is your hypothesis and/or project idea
well defined? Did you have a clear goal
or objective and is it clearly communicated?)

Materials (List):                                                    / 5 points
(Did you list the main materials
used to complete your project?) 

Procedures (List):                                               / 5 points
(What steps did you follow to
test your hypothesis or project
question? )

Results, Graphs,
Data Tables, Log Book:                                    / 40 points
(Are your results clearly
communicated in paragraph form,
data tables, graphs,  etc…?  Is both
quantitative and qualitative data
clearly stated and defined?  Are axes
on graphs defined and units given?

Pictures and other  
Project Visuals                                                   /20 points
Conclusions:                                                       / 50 points
(What did you learn from
your project?  What does the
data and results show?  Did you
encounter any problems?  How
did  you solve the problems? )

Background:                                                      / 25 points
(What is the science behind your
project?  2-3 paragraphs

Overall Effort
(Board effort and presentation)                        / 20 points

Total                                                         /185 points     grade   _____________