Thursday, September 10, 2015

Study Guide for Test #1 - 9/18

Study Guide – Scientific Inquiry, Measurement, Graphing

I.               Scientific Inquiry and Data
A.    Hypothesis – what is it?
B.     What are variables in an experiment?
C.    What is a manipulated/independent variable?
D.    What is a controlled experiment?
E.     Why is it important that an experiment be controlled?
F.     What is the responding/dependent variable in an experiment?
G.   Define and give examples for Qualitative and Quantitative Data?
H.    Why is data important when writing conclusions?
I.       Be prepared to analyze a scientific experiment to identify parts of the experiment.

II.              Measurement
A.    Metric Unit of Length is a meter
B.     Weight is a measure of force (your weight is a force on the Earth).  The units are pounds and Newtons.
C.    Weight is determined by mass and gravity.
D.    Why would weight change as you move from Earth to space to the Moon but mass would not?
E.     Mass is the amount of matter in an object.  Mass is measured in grams on a balance.
F.     Volume is the amount of space something takes up.
G.   Volume of a regular object (length x width x height) cm3
H.    Volume of an irregular object (water displacement) milliliters
I.       Read a graduated cylinder at the bottom of the meniscus (curvature)

III.            Equipment
A.  Know balance, beaker, graduated cylinder, test tube, AND what they measure.

IV.           Graphing
A.    Know the parts of a graph.
B.   Know how to read a graph to obtain data.
C.   Know how to construct a graph to show data (see G)
D.   Know how to find errors or missing information on a graph.
E.  The Manipulated Variable goes on the X or horizontal axis
F.  The Responding Variable goes on the Y or vertical axis.
G.  Use SULTAN to analyze a graph.  Be able to tell me if the graph is missing something like labels on an axis OR if the intervals are not even.