Thursday, September 15, 2016

Study Guide for Test#1

Study Guide Test #1 – Scientific Inquiry, Designing an Experiment, and Data

Scientific Inquiry, Experiments, and Data
A.    Hypothesis – what is it?
B.     What are variables in an experiment?
C.    What is a manipulated/independent variable?
D.    What is a controlled experiment?
E.     Why is it important that an experiment be controlled?
F.     What is the responding/dependent variable in an experiment?
G.   What are Qualitative and Quantitative Data?
H.    Why is data important when writing conclusions?
I.       Be prepared to analyze a scientific experiment to identify parts of the experiment.
J.    Be prepared to analyze data on a data table and come to a logical conclusion based  
       on the data given.

Equipment Identification
A.    Know the following pieces of scientific equipment, their purpose, and units of measurement:
1.    Beaker – Volume - ml
2.    Graduated Cylinder – Volume – ml – (bottom of the meniscus)
3.    Thermometer – Temperature – degrees C
4.    Balance  - Mass -  grams
5.    Test tube  - Does not measure – used for running tests, even heating,

Measuring Terms
A.    Mass – The amount of matter (atoms or molecules) in a substance.  (units= grams)
B.     Volume – The amount of space something takes up.  (units = liters, milliliters, cm3)
C.    Temperature – Energy of motion of the particles in a substance. More motion = higher temperature.

Structure of the test:

1.    The test will have a few multiple-choice (selected response) questions on equipment and vocabulary.
2.    You will have to identify parts of a scientific experiment.  You will need to be able to identify the Manipulated (Independent) Variable.  You will need to identify the controls.  Please see the assignment titled “Inquiry Practice” and the assignment with Snoopy as well as class notes and class assignments.
3.    You will need to analyze an experiment and explain if the experiment is well designed (fair) or not.  See the class activity where you analyzed Sue’s plant experiment and Greggy Bostrom’s bacteria experiment.
4.    You will need to be able to analyze data on a data table and come to a logical conclusion based on the data given.
5.    You will have to explain how to find volume using a graduated cylinder correctly.